This morning, we celebrate and ask for the intercession
of St. Justin Martyr. He lived in the 2nd century and was killed
when he refused to worship the pagan gods of the times. Justin was a philosopher, thus well-equipped
to logically defend the faith, which he did—publically—in one of the still-recorded
written works of the early-Church: his Apology (or defense) of Catholicism. In
that defense, we have one of the earliest accounts of Catholic life and also,
wonderfully enough, about the Holy Mass.
When I hear about the martyrs, I am tempted to think that
such things belong to ancient days and don’t happen anymore. But, the reality
is, is that in the past 100 years, there have been more people martyred for
believing in Jesus than in all of the past 1900 years of the Church combined.
Yes, more martyrs in the past 100 years than all of the past years combined.
What has been the cause of this?
Justin, a philosopher, would be able to point it out very
clearly: the way that we think about the world—that is, our worldview—determines
how we act in that world. Our “philosophy of life” will translate how we act in
life. And in our world today, there is an insidious and violent worldview out
there—and it isn’t simply radical Islam. It’s post-modernism.
Fancy word—but here’s the gist of it: post-modernism is a
worldview that thinks and believes that nothing really matters. It is
ultimately dismissive—of anything it wants to dismiss, really. It can be
described by one little word: “Whatever.”
Whatever. It is
such a dismissive word. “Do whatever you want”; “Do whatever makes you happy”; “Yeah…
I say it is insidious because it can emerge out of good
intentions: I don’t want to come off as a bigot or uncharitable or unfeeling,
so can’t we just let people do whatever they want? Sounds good—but, then, what
becomes of words? Do words really mean Some Definable Thing? … marriage… murder…
heaven… Jesus…?
You see, words do matter. And Jesus is zealous about
this. He says in the Gospel today: the
Commandments matter. And if we act as though they don’t—and, worse, if we teach others by our words and our life that they don’t—then, yeah, we're not
gonna make it into the kingdom of heaven. Contrary to popular belief, all dogs
don’t go to heaven—because this matters and the world acts as though it doesn’t.
Now, I say that post-modernism is violent because, if we
Christians stand up for the fact that Marriage means something and the Cross
means something and that these things don’t just mean “whatever”—well, the
Whatever-people out there aren’t going to like it. It is true: the post-modern
worldview is diabolically opposed to Christianity (and, by the same token,
Christianity is opposed to the post-modern worldview). As you are living out
what Jesus says—that is to be “salt of the earth” and to be the “light of the
world”—then, yeah, that’s going to buck up against those who say that you are
bigoted, you who hold God’s Commandments or reality-objectively-defined-by-God.
But that’s the thing. Things matter. Words matter. The
Gospels matter. Jesus' love matters. Justin died for this. He knew the worldview and he knew that
you can’t simply acquiesce into the great Whatever and still hold on to heaven. We have to choose.
And that's the Truth: if we aren't different than the blasé Whatever of the world, then we are salt without flavor. We are already just as good as dead.
And that's the Truth: if we aren't different than the blasé Whatever of the world, then we are salt without flavor. We are already just as good as dead.
This is why I get more than a little upset when people,
without emergency or without good reason such as to get to a job that puts food
on the table, leave the weekend Masses early. I don’t judge them, but I do get
upset that somehow, someway, the Reality of what is going on here at this altar
has either been lost or dismissed. I hope it is the first and not the latter.
Because there is nothing worse than realizing what is going on here—this great
sacrifice of Love at the Mass—and then to dismiss it with the great
early-exodus of Whatever. For us who come here every day, we have to have a little jolt in our lives so that we don't make this routine.
Like I said at the beginning , there have been more
martyrs over the past 100 years than all of the years combined. Indeed, just
last week, dozens of Catholics were killed while they worshiped at this very
same Mass! Tens more were killed as they were driving to there. What would they
say to us?
Jesus matters! This Mass matters! Our blood matters! You
May we never take it for granted.
St. Justin, martyr. Pray for us.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
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