Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Do Not Touch Me - Tuesday in the Easter Octave

 "Do not touch me."

These are very odd words from Jesus. Mary Magdalene is overjoyed! -- her Jesus is alive! How could she not touch Him (and hug Him and tackle Him to the ground)?! It is such an amazing moment; her heart is truly about to burst. So why these seemingly cold words?

On the one hand, to touch the Risen Lord is a gift that Jesus is reserving for a certain Thomas. He needs to touch first; Mary Magdalene already believes by seeing. Thomas will believe by touching.

And on the other hand, Jesus wants more than for Mary Magdalene to touch Him. 

You see, previously in His ministry, Jesus had told his disciples: "Remain in me." Please note the preposition "in." He does not say remain "with" me. ... What is the difference? "With" is a side-by-side companionship. A co-pilot. A buddy. ... But Jesus wants more than that. He wants to literally be "in" us and us "in" Him. The only way the "in" can be explained is what is said in Paul's Letter to the Ephesians (chapter 5) when Paul is discussing the union of husbands and wives. He says Jesus "nourishes his body" with His own body and blood -- and "the two become one flesh." This wasn't simply in reference to human marriages but to "a great mystery and I speak in reference to Christ and the Church."

What does this mean? Jesus tells Mary not to touch Him because He is going to give her a greater gift: His very self in the Eucharist. And He will literally be "in" her and she "in" Him. A true communion! Touching is not enough -- He wants more for her!

And that's such an important reality right now. Easter is amazing, but Jesus is saying to Mary and to all of us: "But wait! There's more!"

We still have the Ascension ... We still have Pentecost. These are not nice "additions" to our faith. They are essentials, actually. It is by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost that the Apostles will be able to change bread and wine into Jesus' Body and Blood.

And that's the more: "Do not touch me," Jesus says, "Because I have something even better. And my brothers will give you this more when they give you myself present in the Eucharist. Then, you will not just be with me. But you will be in me and I in you."

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