Monday, May 8, 2023

Is "Saved" Enough? - Monday in the Fifth Week of Easter

 I love my Protestant brothers and sisters. I love their zeal and their energy. Of course, I also want them in the Catholic Church -- and not because I'm trying to be arrogant, but because they are truly missing out on some amazing things.

So, for example, recently I was at a Cardinals' baseball game and there were a few street preachers on the corner. They were using a bullhorn and shouting to the fans as they went into the stadium, "Are you saved??!? Have you thought about whether you are saved???!?"

Of course, I wanted to go over and debate the Protestant dictum of Once-Saved-Always-Saved -- and I want to be saved and get to heaven just like the next guy that believes in life after death -- but is "being saved" the entirety of what Jesus wants for us?

That is to say, if the Cross is enough, then why all of the "extras" in the Easter Season? -- baptism, for starters. Why do I need the "extra step" of baptism if I am saved by the Cross of Jesus? ... And why even the Holy Spirit? If Jesus is enough, why do I need the Holy Spirit??

In a word: because Jesus not only wants to save us, He wants to make us holy.

The word, "holy," comes from the Latin, sanctus -- which also happens to be the origin of the word "saint." A saint is sanctus, holy. And while God alone is holy, He bestows His holiness upon men whereby they can think and know and love and live like He knows and thinks and loves and lives. Hence Jesus says, "Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him."

God's dwelling. -- A tabernacle, a temple, a church -- these things are holy. And Jesus says that God will dwell in us if we keep His words. We will be holy.

Of course, we cannot do this by our own efforts nor by our own initiative. Hence, Jesus says on several occasions that He will send the Holy Spirit. And why?

Not just to save, but to make us holy.

As we progress in this Easter Season, know that there are still so many graces still to come. Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit is not a mere add-on. Do not overlook it! The Holy Spirit, the Advocate, is coming!


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